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Lingue antiche e sistemi scrittorî in contatto
Sapienza Università di Roma, lunedì 27 e martedì 28 maggio 2024
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Terzo incontro di studî del progetto di ricerca
Università per Stranieri di Siena, lunedì 23 e martedì 24 gennaio 2023
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Secondo incontro di studî del progetto di ricerca
Università di Napoli «L’Orientale», giovedì 20 e venerdì 21 gennaio 2022

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2021


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Benedetti, Marina, Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Ablative Absolute in the Vulgate: some remarks on the Gospels, in: A. M. Martín Rodríguez (a cura di), Linguisticae Dissertationes. Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics , Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 2021, 263-278.


Benedetti, Marina, Ditransitive ‘teach’ and the status of the Theme “argument”(?), «Journal of Greek Linguistics», 20/2, 2020, 153-178.

This paper offers new insights into the much-debated topic of double accusatives, taking διδάσκειν as a case study. By focussing on the different syntactic and semantic properties of the two accusatives in expressions such as διδάσκω σε σωφροσύνην ‘I teach you moderation’, it is shown that the mere reference to distinct semantic roles (Recipient vs Theme) does not provide a satisfactory account of some crucial properties of these constructions. As emerges from textual evidence, the so-called “Theme” may alternate with an infinitival complement (e.g. διδάσκω σε σωφρονεῖν ‘I teach you (how) to exert moderation’). Both the infinitival and the nominal complements are bound to the object of διδάσκω through a relationship which may be defined by the notion of control. This finding reveals the predicative function performed here by the “Theme”, thus supporting a multi-predicative approach to the double accusative construction of διδάσκειν. This hypothesis has relevance to the analysis of other double accusatives of Ancient Greek, and opens a new path for the analysis of comparable data offered by modern languages. Type a message

Benedetti, Marina, Il grammatico Diomede e lo strano caso dell'ablativus pro nominativo, in: M. Lucia Aliffi, Annamaria Bartolotta, Castrenze Nigrelli (a cura di), Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. Essays in honour of Lucio Melazzo, Palermo University Press, Palermo, 2021, 31-49.


Benedetti, Marina, Lavarsi le mani in greco antico: riflessivi e oggetti particolari, in: P. Del Puente, F. Guazzelli, L. Molinu, S. Pisano (a cura di), Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia. Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2020, 31-39.


Benedetti, Marina, Una rara coppia: coniunctivus ~ συνζευκτικός, in: Chiusaroli, Francesca (a cura di), Miscellanea di studi in onore di Diego Poli, Il Calamo, Roma, 2021, 111-121.

this paper discusses the treatment of the subjunctive mood in the bilingual section of Dositheus’ Ars grammatica, focussing on the translation of coniunctivus by a totally unusual Greek form, maybe invented by Dositheus himself, συνζευκτικός. Instead of using the common Greek term, ὑποτακτικός, the grammarian opts for an occasional loan translation, created on the basis of well established “conversion rules” between Greek and Latin. Dositheus’ choice, which has appeared bizarre to modern interpreters, conforms to a school practice which was probably common in the teaching of Latin to Greek students.

Benvenuto, Maria Carmela, An Iranian Loanword for Clothing in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria, in: Benvenuto, Maria Carmela, Braarvig, Jens, Pompeo, Flavia, Adriano Valerio, Rossi, Velizar, Sadovski (a cura di), Word formation, grammar and lexicology Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives, Baar, Hamburg, 2020, 27-41.

The aim of this paper is to discuss a specific Iranian textile term in the light of new evidence attested in ancient Aramaic texts that elucidates ancient practices and the use of textiles in the Achaemenid world. Unfortunately a comprehensive study of Iranian loanwords in Achaemenid Aramaic has not yet appeared. The term on which we focused our attention is [’]srḥlṣ, attested twice in the Aramaic texts from ancient Bactria. The principal conclusion that can be drawn from our analysis is that a comparison with similar texts from Egypt helps us to identify the word [’]srḥlṣ attested in the Bactrian documents, as srḥlṣ and to establish its main semantic area. Indeed, this word is most likely a term that refers to a garment rather than ‘a harness’ or ‘a cuirass’ as the editors od Bactrian documents claim. Thus an Iranian etymology is proposed for this word on the basis of a comparison with an Iranian loanword also found in Armenian, sarkʻulay ‘headgear of the Armenian (unmarried) clergy’, and the Kurdish compound serkulāw, Sor. sarkiḷâw ‘wool cap’

Benvenuto, Maria Carmela, Bichlmeier, Harald, Bactrian Umlaut, «Studi e Saggi Linguistici», 60/1, 2022, 81-109.

The goal of this contribution is to study the phonetically grounded diachronic phonological change known as ‘umlaut’ in Bactrian. In particular this regards the fronting (palatalizing) in Bactrian of a to i and of ā to ē before high front vowels, as well as the backing and rounding of a to o before u. The studies devoted to Bactrian phonology mention the i-umlaut labelled as palatalization, but disregard the u-umlaut (Morgenstierne 1970, Sims-Williams 1988, 1989). In Gholami (2014) both phenomena are described: the i-umlaut as palatalization (Gholami 2014: 34-35) and u-umlaut as sporadic vowel assimilation (Gholami 2014: 35).What has not yet been noticed is that while cases where the front vowels arise are context-free (i.e. without conditioning environments), the backing and rounding of a to o before u is context-sensitive, since it occurs only in a labial environment: see Bactrian μολο ‘wine’ < *madu-, compared with Bactrian κασοκο ‘little’ < *kasu-ka-, Avestan kasu-.

Benvenuto, Maria Carmela, Identity and the choice of writing system in the Achaemenid world, «Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics», 8/1, 2022, 1-25.

The paper investigates the choice of writing system as the visual representation of identity in a specific multilingual and multi-ethnic context of antiquity, namely, the Achaemenid Empire. In particular, the discussion focuses on the linguistic and socio-cultural environment in Lydia and Hellespontine Phrygia, the western satrapies of the Persian Empire, where various languages and writing systems were available. Through the cases study analyzed here it has been possible to detect the symbolic status of a language – as well as that of its writing system – in the expression of ethnic identity at the local community level. In the case of Lydia, the analysis of the seals inscriptions provides evidence of identity negotiation from individuals of the local elite who were engaging with Persian power. The bullae from Daskyleion reflect a different linguistic practice in the context of power relations. Interestingly, even though the central imperial authority did not take advantage of any specific language use, including Aramaic, as a means to impose power, the presence of seals in Aramaic in the Daskyleion archive seems to suggest that it had status as an international prestige language, imbuing the inscriber of any ethnicity with the might of imperial power

Benvenuto, Maria Carmela, Bichlmeier, Harald, Zu den Umlauterscheinungen im Baktrischen: Lautgesetz oder Tendenz?, «Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft», 60/1, 2022.

The aim of this paper is to explore the phonetically grounded diachronic phonological change known as “umlaut” in Bactrian. In particular, this regards the fronting (palatalizing) in Bactrian of a to and of ā to before high front vowels, as well as the backing and rounding of a to before u. Studies devoted to Bactrian phonology mention the i-umlaut, labelled as palatalization, but disregard the u umlaut (Morgenstierne 1970; Sims-Williams 1988; 1989). In Gholami (2014) both phenomena are described: the i-umlaut as palatalization (Gholami 2014: 34 f.) and the u-umlaut as sporadic vowel assimilation (Gholami 2014: 35). What has not yet been noted is that while cases where the front vowels arise are context free (i.e., without conditioning environments), the backing and rounding of a to before u is context-sensitive since it occurs only in a labial environment: we can compare, for example, Bactrian μολο ‘wine’ < Proto-Iranian *madu-, with Bactrian κασοκο ‘little’ < *kasu-ka-, Avestan kasu-. The present study thus re-examines Bactrian umlaut and offers a systematic de scription of this sound change in different positions.

Bianconi, Michele, Capano, Marta, Divine Witnesses in Greece and Anatolia: Iliad 3.276-280 between Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, in: Bianconi, Michele, Capano, Marta, Romagno, Domenica, Rovai, Francesco (a cura di), Ancient Indo-European Languages between Linguistics and Philology: Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, Brill, Leiden, 2022, 1-10.


Bianconi, Michele, Capano, Marta, Romagno, Domenica, Rovai, Francesco (a cura di), Ancient Indo-European Languages between Linguistics and Philology. Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2022.

Studying the Indo-European languages means having a privileged viewpoint on diachronic language change, because of their relative wealth of documentation, which spans over more than three millennia with almost no interruption, and their cultural position that they have enjoyed in human history. The chapters in this volume investigate case-studies in several ancient Indo-European languages (Ancient Greek, Latin, Hittite, Luwian, Sanskrit, Avestan, Old Persian, Armenian, Albanian) through the lenses of contact, variation, and reconstruction, in an interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary way. This reveals at the same time the multiplicity and the unity of our discipline(s), both by showing what kind of results the adoption of modern theories on “old” material can yield, and by underlining the centrality and complexity of the text in any research related to ancient languages.

Bianconi, Michele, Magni, Elisabetta, The survival of the optative in New Testament Greek, «Journal of Greek Linguistics», 2022, 1-43,


Bianconi, Michele, A New Look at Phrygian Metre, in: Goldstein, David, Jamison, Stephanie, Vine, Brent (a cura di), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Buske, Hamburg, 2022, 1-16.

The aim of this paper is to look at the issue of Phrygian metre from a new perspective. It will be shown that a certain type of metrical pattern is identifiable in our New Phrygian corpus and that in order to understand its origin we should turn to the Greek evidence from Roman Anatolia.

Bianconi, Michele, Divine Witnesses in Greece and Anatolia: Iliad 3.276-280 between Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, in: Bianconi, Michele, Capano, Marta, Romagno, Domenica, Rovai, Francesco (a cura di), Ancient Indo-European Languages between Linguistics and Philology: Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, Brill, Leiden, 2022, 11-47.


Bianconi, Michele (ed.), Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia: In Search of the Golden Fleece, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2021.

The aim of this book is to provide new insights on the multi-faceted topic of the relationships between ancient Greece and ancient Anatolia before the Classical era. This is a rapidly evolving field of enquiry, thanks to the recent advances in our understanding of the Anatolian languages and the ever-growing availability of primary evidence. The chapters in this volume investigate the question of Graeco-Anatolian contacts from various points of view and with a specifically linguistic and textual focus. The nature of the evidence calls for an interdisciplinary approach, and the contributions presented here range from writing systems to contact linguistics, without excluding the analysis of cultural motifs and religious practices in both literary texts and non-literary evidence. .

Bianconi, Michele, Looking for the Golden Fleece: Where Are We Going?, in: Bianconi, Michele (a cura di), Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2021, 1-7.


Bianconi, Michele, Some thoughts on Anatolian Lexicon in Mycenaean Greek, in: Garnier, Romain (a cura di), Loanwords and Substrata, Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 2020, 63-88.

Cet article présente les résultats d’un nouvel examen de possibles emprunts du grec mycénien aux langues anatoliennes du deuxième millénaire. Nous cherchons à démontrer que seul une approche au cas par cas peut permettre de comprendre les relations linguistiques entre le grec et les langues anatoliennes (en particulier l’hittite et le louvite) avant l’âge classique. L’analyse des traces anatoliennes dans le lexique mycénien témoigne d’un contact qui s’entrevoit dans les textes mycéniens. Ce contact est limité à un domaine sémantique particulier, à savoir celui des noms des objets et des matériaux ; de plus, nous disposons de « mots culturels », qui sont peut-être arrivés en Grèce à partir de l’Anatolie. Le lexique de base n’aurait pas été impacté, toutefois la présence d’anthroponymes anatoliens pourrait indiquer un degré d’intercommunication plus profond, dont les limites restent à définir à la lumière de la spécificité de la documentation (présentant une langue administrative standardisée avec peu ou aucune variation de registre).

Bianconi, Michele, The etymology of Gerga and the Carian word for ‘white’, «Historische Sprachforschung», 133, 2022, 27-42.


Bianconi, Michele, "There and Back Again": A Hundred Years of Graeco-Anatolian Comparative Studies, in: Bianconi, Michele (a cura di), Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2021, 8-39.

This article provides a history of the scholarship on linguistic and cultural contacts between Greece and pre-classical Anatolia. It is aimed both at the expert reader, who will find useful bibliographical references, and to the reader who approaches the topic for the first time.

Bianconi, Michele, Translation strategies in the Vetus Latina: a pilot study on the book of Genesis, «Studi e saggi linguistici», 59/2, 2021, 51-79.


Bortolussi, Bernard, Logozzo, Felicia, Sznajder, Lyliane, Tronci, Liana, Kontinuität und Innovation in der Partizipialsyntax der Vulgata, in: Hoffmann, Roland (a cura di), Lingua vulgata: Eine linguistische Einführung in das Studium der lateinischen Bibelübersetzung, Buske Verlag, Hamburg, 2023, 259-328.

Bucci, Giulia, Exclamative nominatives and nominatives pro vocatives in Greek and Latin: a possible distinction?, in: Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros, Sonja Dahlgren (a cura di), Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics, , 2020, 323-336.

This paper aims at proposing a possible explanation for the so-called phenomenon of “nominative pro vocative”, namely the use of the nominative case in contexts where the vocative case is required. The hypothesis I examine here relies on the essential distinction between the concepts of neutralization and substitution. I would like to display that the origin of such phenomenon – a proper substitution – is to be found in a specific functional area in which the nominative and the vocative case overlap: the vague boundary between an address and an exclamation, where the distinction between neutralization and substitution is quite fine. The corpus selected for this purpose includes the comedies of Aristophanes, Plautus and Terence, which stand out for the large amount of addresses and exclamations.

Ciancaglini, Claudia A., Kosvennye svidetel’stva ozvončenija drevneiranskogo *-k- v srednepersidskom, in: Keidan, A. (a cura di), Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova, Interbok, Stockholm, 2020, 417–436.

Il lavoro analizza la cronologia relativa di alcuni fenomeni di sonorizzazione delle occlusive sorde persiane antiche sulla base della testimonianza offerta dalle tradizioni parallele e dalle continuazioni neopersiane.

Ciancaglini, Claudia, Storia antica e linguistica, in: Traina, Giusto (a cura di), Le fonti per la storia antica, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2023, 43-58.

La linguistica è indispensabile all’interpretazione dei dati storici per molti motivi diversi. Innanzitutto, lo storico deve essere in grado di leggere le fonti in lingua originale e, quindi, di interpretare i documenti, siano essi letterari o epigrafici, sia per il loro contenuto letterale, sia per le loro finalità comunicative. Un ulteriore motivo è che nelle fonti compaiono spesso forme di prestito: in tal caso, gli studi sul contatto linguistico offrono allo storico gli strumenti non solo per individuare la lingua di provenienza delle forme non indigene, ma per interpretarne la motivazione culturale, la intenzionalità o meno, la maggiore o minore aderenza all’originale, il tipo di trasmissione (orale o scritta). Di frequente tale analisi contribuisce altresì a individuare il milieu sociolinguistico di provenienza dell’autore del testo e/o del suo committente e il pubblico al quale esso è indirizzato

Ciancaglini, Claudia, Middle Persian bāzūg and bāzā(y, in: Maggi, Mauro, Ashtiany, Mohsen (a cura di), A Turquoise Coronet: studies in Persian language and literature in honour of Paola Orsatti, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden , 2020, 97-109.

L’A. offre une analyse étymologique des mots du moyen-perse bāzūg et bāzā(y), cognats et partageant le sens «bras», dont elle analyse la distribution et discute la signification. Dans un premier temps, l’auteure rappelle que la forme bāzūg descend d’un thème en ‐u- du vieil-iranien, identique au thème avestique bāzu- « bras », suivi du suffixe *‐ka-. Puis elle signale que, étymologiquement, la forme bāzūg n’est pas un mot sud-ouest-iranien, la forme héritée moyen-perse attendue (mais aussi attestée en pahlavi du psautier) étant bādūg. Il est ensuite indiqué que bāzā(y) remonte au degré long de la forme vieil-iranienne *bāzu- (reconstruite *bāzāw-). Enfin, au regard de la distribution des deux formes, il est conclu que bāzūg est la forme couramment usitée du vocabulaire moyen-perse référant à la partie du corps et que bāzā(y) est un emprunt savant de l’avestique dont l’usage est exclusivement juridique et religieux.

Crellin, Robert, Tamponi, Lucia, Vowel quantity and quality in Neo-Punic and Latin inscriptions from Africa and Sardinia, in: Aaron Hornkohl, Geoffrey Khan (a cura di), Studies in Semitic Vocalisation and Reading Traditions, Cambridge, 1-53.

Dahl, Eystein, Tronci, Liana, Voice markers in Septuagint Greek in the light of Hebrew interference: a corpus-based study on the aorist system of the book of Genesis, «Transactions of the Philological Society», 121/2, 2023, 162-202.


Dardano, Paola, Homeric coventantal terminology and its Near Eastern forerunners, in: Bianconi, Michele (a cura di), Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2021, 40-79.

This article addresses the similarities in covenantal formulations in Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine, Anatolia, and Greece, which seem to point to a common origin. Some expressions were imported and adapted to new uses: for instance, the locution ὅρκια πιστὰ τέμνειν ‘to cut a solemn covenant’, i.e. ‘to make a pact’, designates the cutting of the victim’s throat. Such a formula, which has to do with the practice of sacrificing an animal at the time of making binding oaths, may be associated with similar formulas used in the Ancient Near East prior to Homer.

Dardano, Paola, I genitivi assoluti nel greco del Nuovo Testamento: aspetti sintattici e testuali, in: Biondi, Laura, Dedè, Francesco, Scala, Andrea (a cura di), Ubi homo, ibi lingua. Studi in onore di Maria Patrizia Bologna, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2022, 379-395.

Dardano, Paola, Su un problema di traduzione dei Vangeli: la Vulgata, la Vetus latina e il verbo sum, «Pallas», 122, 2023, 283-296.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Dall'indoeuropeo al germanico tra vecchie e nuove teorie, in: Rosselli Del Turco, Roberto (a cura di), Dall'indoeuropeo al germanico: problemi di linguistica storica, Edizioni dell'Orso s.r.l., 2019, 27-40.

L'articolo prende in esame tre aspetti che ben illustrano risultati e limiti della ricerca – in due casi tipologica – applicata alle lingue germaniche in prospettiva indoeuropea: la spiegazione della ratio soggiacente alle leggi di Grimm, lo slittamento delle marche morfologiche verso la periferia della forma verbale, il cosiddetto Standard Average European.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Dal verso cantato alla metrica vedica. Considerazioni tipologiche su una questione dibattuta, in: Adamo, Giorgio, Giuriati, Giovanni (a cura di) (a cura di), Verso una musicologia transculturale. Scritti in onore di Francesco Giannattasio, Neoclassica srl, 2020, 225-234.

Il lavoro, trendo spunto da importanti contributi di F. Giannattasio e G. Banti sul verso cantato somalo, offre un confronto tipologico tra la metrica somala e quella vedica, evidenziando una forte consonanza tra i due sistemi, più forte ancora rispetto a quella con la metrica greca. Il dato è significativo, dal momento che la metrica somala è strettamente connessa con il canto, e questo elemento sembra rafforzare l'ipotesi di un rapporto altrettanto stretto fra metro vedico e accompagnamento musicale..

Di Giovine, Paolo, Descrizioni grammaticali e lessici nell’area sellana: fra tradizione e novità, «Studi e Saggi linguistici», 59, 2021, 81-93.

The article aims to weigh up lexicographic and grammatical works pertaining to the Ladin languages surrounding the Sella group. Apart from a few exceptions, dictionaries and grammars focused on different goals and never complemented each other. This prolonged disconnection between lexical and grammatical researches is now starting to be left behind. The original Gramatica by Marco Forni, published six years after his Ladin-Italian (Val Gardena) dictionary, communicates with it by means of a systematic hypertextual connection between both digital works. We can hope that such a worthwhile experiment will be applied to the remaining Ladin languages as soon as possible.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Il ruolo delle lingue di frammentaria attestazione nella ricostruzione, «Incontri linguistici», 46, 2023, 47-54.

The paper focuses on the languages – often named Trümmersprachen or rather Restsprachen –, which show fragmentary documents. Those languages can play a role in linguistic reconstruction, especially in the field of the Indo-European family, but their importance must be carefully weighed up. In particular, a qualitative analysis led some prominent Italian scholars – Prosdocimi, Gusmani, Campanile, Belardi – to taking advantage of the data emerging from the Restsprachen which show a decent textual corpus and discarding the data inferred from questionable etymologies of proper nouns. Nevertheless, the contribution of Restsprachen in order to solve some problems pertaining to PIE phonology or morphology can be occasionally outstanding – the reconstruction of three series of Indo-European dorsals is conclusively supported by the documentary evidence from Luwian, Lycian, Carian

Di Giovine, Paolo, Il singolare caso delle desinenze singolari del perfetto indoeuropeo, in: Rocca, G., Notti, E., Muscariello, M. (a cura di), po-ro-wi-to-jo. Scritti in onore di Mario Negri, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2023, 263-273.

Il lavoro muove da un recente articolo sulla struttura delle desinenze del singolare del perfetto indoeuropeo per avviare una riflessione critica sulla questione e prospettare una via per acquisire indicazioni nuove in merito alle forme tradizionalmente ricostruite, di cui vanno sottolineati alcuni aspetti incoerenti.

Giovine, Di, La città di Roma e la lingua albanese. Un rapporto secolare, in: Toscano, Silvia, Nikolaeva, Julija, Buoncristiano, Paola (a cura di) (a cura di), Roma e il mondo. Rim i mir. Scritti in onore di Rita Giuliani, Lithos editrice, 2019, 87-94.

Il lavoro prende in esame il rapporto secolare tra la lingua albanese e la città di Roma, che inizia nel XVI secolo, con la formazione dei primi scrittori albanesi (sacerdoti, autori di traduzioni di testi sacri e catechismi) e si protrae fino ai giorni nostri.

Di Giovine, Paolo, La storia della lingua albanese tra realtà e mito. Il controverso influsso del greco antico, in: Chiusaroli, Francesca (a cura di), Miscellanea di studi in onore di Diego Poli, Il Calamo, Roma, 2021, 473-487.

The impact of Ancient Greek loanwords on Albanian became a scientific issue beginning with Thumb’s article (1909), followed by a major contribution from Ölberg (1972) and a series of works pertaining either to specific etymologies or to phonetic developments. It is an important topic, when we try to retrace the prehistory of the Albanian language, as a substantial number of Ancient Greek loanword in Albanian would easily point to a southern position of this language in the Balkans, in contact with Greek-speaking countries. This article shows that Ancient Greek loanwords in Albanian are overestimated. Their number has to be further lowered, from 26 down to 22. Four Albanian nouns, namely kandër ‘oil jug, oil vase’, kandër(r) ‘insect, beetle, ladybird’, lëpjetë ‘yellow dock, sorrel’, pjepën (gh.), pjepër (t.) ‘melon’, turn out to be Latin loanwords rather than Ancient Greek loanwords. Such inference is strengthened by a careful analysis of Romance languages, which show that the Latin sources of the above-mentioned Albanian words were not only alive but also normally used in Vulgar Latin.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Profilo di un Maestro (Luca Serianni, 1947- 2022), «L’Italia dialettale», 84, 2023, 7-20.

The article recalls the scientific research path that Luca Serianni covered from 1972 to 2022, when he was the victim of a lethal accident. His scientific contributions are briefly outlined, from the initial research about Tuscan dialects up to full-fledged articles and monographs pertaining to the Italian literary language – from Dante to selected contemporary poets and prose writers. A thorough glance is also cast over his important works concerning etymology, lexicography, and special languages.

Di Giovine, P., Tra filosofia e grammatica. Gli studi di Tullio De Mauro sui casi in greco antico, «Bollettino di italianistica», 15, 2019, 92-100.

The article highlights the contribution of Tullio De Mauro to explain both the original function of accusative in Indo-European and Greek and the meaning of the Greek name of dative, δοτικὴ πτῶσις. Methodology is particularly remarkable, as De Mauro takes advantage of statistical and probabilistic means, a very innovative analysis as to the Sixties of last century. Some of the results attained by De Mauro are still tenable up to now.

Di Giovine, P., Tra redini e briglie. Annotazioni su un tipo dialettale di etimo controverso., in: Del Puente, Patrizia, Guazzelli, Francesca, Molinu, Lucia, Pisano, Simone (a cura di) (a cura di), Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia. Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo, Edizioni dell’Orso s.r.l., 2020, 111-119.

Il lavoro offre un contributo al chiarimento dell'etimo di it. sett. e ladino "brena" 'briglia', evidenziando la difficoltà di una ipotesi che ricostruisca una origine prelatina fondandosi sul fraintendimento del confronto con l'albanese.

Di Giovine, P., Typological and Functional Remarks about Reduplication in Ancient Indo-European Languages, in: Maria Carmela Benvenuto, Jens E. Braarvig, Flavia Pompeo, Adriano V. Rossi, Velizar Sadovski (a cura di), Word formation, grammar and lexicology Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives, baar, 2020, 111-119.

L'articolo, in lingua inglese, illustra alcuni tratti salienti del raddoppiamento nelle lingue indoeuropee antiche: funzione morfologica e lessicale, concorrenza con altre marche morfologiche e conseguente declino, considerato attraverso l'esempio fornito dalle lingue germaniche antiche.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Una lezione di metodo. Le annotazioni di Belardi al Dizionario gardenese di Lardschneider-Ciampac, «Bollettino di Italianistica», 20/1-2, 2023, 140-149.

The article addresses the handwritten comments – several hundreds altogether – which Walter Belardi added to his photocopy of Lardschneider-Ciampac’s Wörterbuch der Grödner Mundart (1933). The study shows that Belardi’s comments – datable with good accuracy – are really intriguing. Those comments not only foresee articles published at a later time, but also disclose new etymologies. Moreover, they supplement the dictionary with new words and give valuable bibliographical references to many headwords.

Di Giovine, Paolo, Un importante riconoscimento lessicografico. Salva la tua lingua locale. "Premio Tullio De Mauro, «Ladinia», 45, 2021, 15-20.

The article defines the importance of the “Tullio De Mauro award” bestowed to the Dizionario Italiano–Ladino Gardenese/Dizioner Ladin de Gherdëina–Talian edited by Marco Forni and a group of associates under the auspices of the “Institut Ladin Micurá de Rü”. This eminent recognition not only honors a careful up-to-date lexicographical work, but also is expected to encourage further comparable editorial challenges in the field of Ladin linguistics and lexicography.

Keidan, Artemij, D'Antonio, Corinne, The adventures of Pāṇini’s grammar in China and Japan: the case of the kāraka/vibhakti system, «Rivista degli Studi Orientali», 95/1-2, 2022, 149-165.

In this article we deal with the translation and interpretation of the Indian indigenous theory of grammatical case in China and Japan. After a brief survey of the kāraka/vibhakti system as it appears in Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī, the earliest Chinese accounts on this topic are presented. We argue that this refined theoretical achievement of Pāṇini’s was not entirely understood in East Asia. We mainly focus on the accounts of the Indian case theory by two Chinese monks, Xuánzàng and Kuījī. We hypothesize that the eight cases identified by Kuījī go back to some late post-Pāṇinian grammatical tradition. Concerning the Japanese treatment of kārakas, we focus on the fact that a modified version of this same theory was applied to the Japanese verbal inflection, thus showing a total reinvention of this Sanskrit grammatical category via Chinese mediation and some original innovations performed by the Japanese Buddhist scholars.

Keidan, Artemij, Kulikov, Leonid, Lavidas, Nikolaos, Morphosyntactic isoglosses in Indo-European. Special Issue of Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, «Poznan studies in contemporary linguistics», 2020, 373-552.

Guest-editor of a Special issue focused on the morphological isoglosses in the Indo-European languages.

Keidan, Artemij, Grammatičeskaja tipologija i ėffektivnost' sravnitel'nyx konstrukcij, in: Keidan, Artemij (ed.) (a cura di), Druz'ja, slova, tablicy. Sbornik statej v chest' 75-letija A. K. Polivanovoj. Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova, Kabinetnyj Učenyj, 2020, 179-208.

The paper discusses a possible structural explanation of the major efficiency of the Indo-European comparative-genetic hypothesis compared to other similar hypotheses.

Keidan, Artemij, Marking of quality modifiers in 2nd-generation IE languages, «Poznan studies in contemporary linguistics», 56, 2020, 477-527,

In PIE, quality modifiers were expressed by stative verbs and nominal epithets, rather than by special adjectival lexemes. Adjectives did not form a separate lexical class. This made the encoding of the NP constituency less explicit. If we consider what I suggest calling “second-generation IE languages” we can observe a general tendency to create new, more explicit morphological means of dependency marking within a NP. The exact outcomes of this diachronic process vary from one language to another. However, if we parametrise the variation, a common pattern becomes clearly observable. In all the languages analysed in the present paper, there is a pronoun undergoing grammaticalisation as a dependency marker. What varies is 1) the position of this element with respect to the nominal base (pre- vs. post- posed); 2) the degree of agglutination (bound morpheme vs. clitic vs. free morpheme); and 3) the locus of marking (head vs. modifier vs. double or alternant marking); 4) the source morpheme that undergoes grammaticalisation (relative vs. demonstrative pronoun).

KEIDAN, ARTEMIJ, Yūto Kawamura, The kāraka theory embodied in the Rāma story. A Sanskrit textbook in Medieval India, «Journal of south asian languages and linguistics», 6, 2019, 309-319.

The book by Y. Kawamura is critically reviewed.

Lai, Rosangela, Il Raddoppiamento Fonosintattico in sardo medievale, «Studi e saggi linguistici», 59, 75-117.

Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Le costruzioni latine con esse + participio presente: perifrasi progressive o altro?, «Linguarum Varietas», 10, 2021, 55-77, 10.19272/202111601004.

Latin constructions with esse + present participle : progressive periphrasis or not ? · The paper focuses on constructions formed by the verb esse ‘to be’ and the present participle in Latin. Such combinations, quite rare in Archaic and Classical Latin, are very common in Biblical Latin. Since Vulgate Latin is a translation language, ‘esse + pres. part.’ constructions are deemed to be calques of equivalent Greek structures. A progressive value is usually assigned to them by classical scholarship. Through an in-depth analysis of the data of Vulgate and Vetus Latina we suggest that most combinations of ‘esse + pres. part.’ occur in presentative structures, some others can be analysed as copular constructions and only very few of them are analytical expressions (calqued on Greek) which can alternate with synthetic imperfect forms, e.g. erat docens vs docebat.

Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Les constructions à verbe εἶναι ‘être’ et participe présent: status quaestionis et nouvelles propositions, «Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris», 115/1, 2020, 191-239.


Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Pseudo-coordination and serial verb constructions in Hellenistic Greek? Some insights from the New Testament and the Septuagint, «Journal of Greek Linguistics», 22/1, 2022, 72-144, 10.1163/15699846-02201003.

This paper deals with Biblical Greek multiverb constructions in which two verbs, inflected in the same mood, person and number, are either coordinated by καί or asyndetically juxtaposed and relate to a single event. The first verb is semantically constrained (verb of motion), and does not govern any complement. In typological studies, these constructions are known as pseudo-coordinated and serialised constructions, depending on the presence of the coordinator or not. We suggest here a unified view of the two patterns, called Pseudo-Coordinated Constructions (pcc s) lato sensu. Data for this research were collected from the Septuagint and the New Testament, which, despite the several differences concerning the times of composition and the type of text, are both characterised by a conspicuous number of pcc s. It was found that serialisation occurred exclusively with imperatives, which is in line with some serialised occurrences of motion verbs in previous stages of Greek, as well as with typological evidence. Conversely, pseudo-coordination occurred with both imperatives and other moods; in the latter case, and especially with past indicatives in narrative contexts, it is not easily distinguishable from plain coordination. Two results emerge from our analysis. First, the greater incidence of pcc s in the Septuagint than in the New Testament can be explained as a direct influence of Biblical Hebrew. Second, the data of the New Testament appear to be relevant for Greek diachrony since the verb ὑπάγω ‘go’, which behaves as the unmarked verb in the pcc s of the New Testament, developed into Modern Greek πηγαίνω ‘go’, which occurs in both serialised and pseudo-coordinated constructions.

Logozzo, Felicia, Articolo espletivo e marcatura differenziale dell’oggetto nelle varietà reggine di Bianco e del suo immediato entroterra, «Studi e Saggi Linguistici», 62/1, 2024, 73-113.

Logozzo, Felicia, Οὐαὶ ὑμῖν... Guai a voi! Dal lamento alla minaccia in greco biblico, «Veleia», 39, 2022, 113-127,

Magni, Elisabetta, I nomi d’agente in -tor nelle traduzioni latine del Nuovo Testamento, in: Biondi, Laura, Dedè, Francesco, Scala, Andrea (a cura di), Ubi homo, ibi lingua. Studi in onore di Maria Patrizia Bologna, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2022, 751-766.

Mancini, Marco, Berossus the Chaldean, Varro, and the Greek Letter Names, «Rivista di Linguistica e di Dialettologia», 23, 2022, 41-72.

A fragment of Varro’s De antiquitate litterarum quoted by Priscianus (fr. 1 Funaioli = fr. 103 Wilmanns = fr. 40 Goetz-Schoell) reports a very interesting piece of information about the origins of the alphabet. This passage identifies a third ‘route’ alongside the two most widely known ones, Phoenician and Egyptian. Varro traces the letter-names back to a ‘Chaldean’ tradition and – what has hitherto gone unnoticed – suggests that the grammatonyms reflected directly the shape of the letters. Such an accurate information stems from a probable source, namely Berossus’ Βαβυλωνιακά (3rd century B.C.), epitomized by Lucius Cornelius Alexander Polyhistor (ca. 110-40 B.C., therefore a contemporary of Varro). Berossus, a priest of the Babylonian god Bēl- Marduk, was the eponym and promoter of the “Chaldean” culture or, better, of the “Chaldean” wisdom among Greeks and Romans. As far as we know, he attributed to the Chaldeans, among other things, the birth of writing. His mother tongue was Aramaic and, therefore, this explains why he could quote semantically transparent grammatonyms (think of well-known cases such as *alp “ox” and so on), exactly as reported by Varro in the fragment of De antiquitate litterarum..

Mancini, Marco, Critica linguistica: sul lemma obstetrix nell’Appendix Probi 5, «Studi e Saggi Linguistici», 60/1, 2022, 9-37.

The article deals with a passage of the famous Appendix Probi, i.e. the fifth fragment of the text immediately following Ps. Probus’ Instituta artium, which contains a precious antibarbarus, presumably written around the middle of the 5th century CE; the Appendix is located in the final portion of the codex Neapolitanus 1 (7th century CE) and its correct interpretation is notoriously very difficult because of the many damages suffered by the manuscript. The passage at issue, after may attempts, is read nowadays obstx non ossetrix; the late Latin assimilation /ps/ > /ss/ is here commented with particular reference to chronology, in the light of the available sources. The presence of the assimilation is corroborated by a new reading of a tachygraphical gloss, which was originally written to the left of the main text: obs(t)etrix, nam ab ossequio dicitur. Interestingly, this new proposal shows a paretimology of the lemma, that confirms not only the disputed reading obst non ossetrix in the Appendix, but also provides a key to interpret more accurately the regressive assimilation /ps/ > /ss/.

Mancini, Marco, Etimologia e iconografia: la cattura di Valeriano e Šāhpuhr, «Rendiconti dell’Accademia nazionale dei Lincei», 32/1-2, 2021, 5-50.

The present article deals with an iconographic detail carved in four Sasanian rock reliefs of the 3rd century CE, in which the emperor Valerian is portrayed with the Persian king of kings Šāhpuhr I (240-272 CE). After his third campaign against the Romans, Šāhpuhr was able to capture Valerian during the battle of Edessa (260 CE), deported him and the remains of his defeated army. As it is well known, the reliefs located at Naqš-e Rostam and in the two sites of Bīšāhpuhr and Dārābgird in the region of Fārs (the ancient Περσίς of the Greeks) portrayed Šāhpuhr’s visual triumph. The unfortunate Roman emperor is represented standing next to or in front of Šāhpuhr’s horse, mostly with his wrist firmly grasped by the arm of the king of kings. The same iconic pattern is found on a famous cameo preserved in Paris. Šāhpuhr’s gesture must be directly and linguistically connected with a passage of his Res gestae, the long inscription found on the walls of the so-called Kacbe-ye Zardošt at Naqš-e Rostam, close to the ancient Persepolis. Here Šāhpuhr I proclaims that he «took prisoner with his own hands» the Roman emperor. Given that «to take prisoner» in the Middle Persian text sounds literally «with our own hand we took him prisoner» and since the term «prisoner» in Middle Persian is a compound of dast “hand” and grav from griftan “to grasp”, it is quite evident that Valerian’s grasped hand in the rock reliefs is simply an iconic projection of an etymology which, of course, is completely lost in the Greek version (ἡμεῖς ἐν ἰδίαις χερσὶν ἐκρατήσαμεν).

Mancini, Marco, Lat. issula in Plauto e l'assimilazione del gruppo -ps- nel latino parlato, «Rationes rerum», 16, 2020, 289-319.

The -ps- > -ss- regressive assimilation is admittedly part of a general weakening drift of syllabic codas in late latin, as in the cases of -kt- > -tt- / -xt-, -ks- > -ss- and so forth. The early Plautinian noun issula “mistress” (< ipsula) in a corrupt passage of Cistellaria (v. 450) is traditionally interpreted as the very first occurrence of this well-known vulgar latin phenomenon (cf. ital. esso, scrisse etc.). After a thorough inspection of all the available evidence, both in the inscriptions and in the literary texts, three points should be underlined. First, on the grounds of relative chronology, such an early occurrence of this assimilation (iii BC) is implausible. Secondly, the overwhelmingly attested late -spellings from -ps- must be traced back to a typical use of the latin scripta, namely the “deletion” (lat. demptio) of the “implosive” letter, see e.g. Quintilian, Inst. 1, 7, 29, on lat. columna. Thirdly, within the outlined context a -spelling is clearly deviant from the overall orthographic norm: it systematically occurs only in the case of lat. isse, issus etc. This leads to a new hypothesis: these forms (and only these) were the result of an early morphological reinterpretation in the light of a diagrammatically iconic pseudo-etymology: ipse → is-se / is-sus (whence is-sa, is-sum). A surprisingly similar reinterpretation is attested in a famous Ciceronian passage on nom. Sing. īdem → isdem (Or. 157).

Mancini, Marco, Quando gli scienziati inventarono una lingua: il pahlavī nella filologia dell’Ottocento, in: Serenella Baggio e Pietro Taravacci (a cura di), Lingue naturali, lingue inventate. Atti della Giornata di studi (Trento, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Palazzo P. Prodi, 29 novembre 2019), Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2020, 135–195.

Mancini, Marco, Sul greco βατησα a Dura Europos, in: Chiusaroli, Francesca (a cura di), Miscellanea di studi in onore di Diego Poli, Il Calamo, Roma, 2022, 869-898.

The paper analyzes the hapax βατησα occurring in a Greek parchment from Dura Europos (nr. 20 Welles, 121 AD). The term, referring to a certain Manesos (a Parthian proper name), is certainly an Iranian loanword, com- monly interpreted as a pure transcription of a Parthian court title. Actually, the etymology is still unknown. The syntactic function of the voice, which is patently coordinated with Gr. τῶν ἐλευθέρων in the text, is thoroughly dis- cussed. It certainly indicates a court title, but the current derivation from Parth. bitaxš “governor, margrave” is here rejected, both from a formal and a semantic point of view. It is proposed that the Gr. βατησα is a transcrip- tion of the Parthian phrase wxatāy, šāh which, together with ἐλεύθεροι (= Parth. āzātān), refers to the three highest classes of the Parthian nobility.

Mancini, Marco, The Alphabetic Tradition of the Conexiones, in: Romagno, Domenica, Rovai, Francesco, Bianconi, Michele, Capano, Marta (a cura di), Variation, Contact, and Reconstruction in the Ancient Indo-European Languages. Between Linguistics and Philology, Brill, Leiden, 2022, 109-155.

This paper addresses the long-neglected question of the tradition of the conexiones, a tool of the Haggādic hermeneutics applied to the acronymic alphabetical order. A novel analysis of data from the Midrāšic literature and the onomastica sacra is provided and the principles underlying the conexiones-technique are explained. In addition, the paper clarifies the mechanisms by which the Fathers of the Church reused the Haggādic grid while readapting it to Christian contents.

Mancini, Marco, Una nuova interpretazione del fr. F28 Garcea del De analogia cesariano, in: Aliffi, M. Lucia, Bartolotta, Annamaria, Nigrelli, Castrenze (a cura di), Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. Essays in honor of Lucio Melazzo, Brill, Leiden, 2021, 109-155.

The present paper deals with a Julius Caesar’s passage quoted by the late Roman grammarian Charisius (4th century CE) in his Ars fr. F28 Garcea (Barwick 1997: 141, 25-142, 7 = 1, 110, 23-111, 6 Keil). The fragment is excerpted from Caesar’s treatise De analogia, and concerns the morphology of Nom. Sing. idem vs Nom. Plur. isdem (these are the forms reported in Charisius’ manuscripts). Unfortu- nately, the text transmitted by the Neapolitan manuscript Biblioteca Nazionale ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’ IV A 8 (8th century) is badly cor- rupted. Thanks to a close intertextual inspection of several gramma- tical sources, a new interpretation of this difficult passage is offered, together with a new reading of the manuscript. Caesar seemingly recommended the forms isdem as Nom. Sing. and iidem as Nom. Plur. Caesar’s viewpoint on the pronominal pair idem/isdem is also supported by a paragraph in Cicero’s Orator; here Cicero harshly criticizes Caesar’s position in the De analogia on Nom. Sing. isdem, together with other linguistic proposals.

Mancini, Marco, Un episodio di bilinguismo greco-partico: Γωτάρσης Γεόποθρος, in: Biondi, Laurea, Dedè, Francesco, Scala, Andrea (a cura di), Ubi homo, ibi lingua. Studi in onore di Maria Patrizia Bologna, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2022, 767-792.

This paper deals with a short inscription in Greek characters engraved on a rock face in the Bīsotūn mountain complex, which was already known since the nineteenth century. The inscription includes a single onomastic formula; it should be linked to that of a longer one, also in Greek, engraved a little higher up and depicting a procession of Parthian dignitaries paying homage to the king of kings Mithradates II (123 - 91 B.C.). A careful study of the formula Γωτάρσης Γεόποθρος provides some interesting conclusions, based also on a comparison with other Parthian inscriptions: (i) the text contains a Greek L2 rendering of the typically Paleo-Parthian patronymic formula Gōtarz Gēv puθr "Gotarz son of Gēv", where both the phonology (retention of /t/ and of /θr/) and the microsyntax (Specified + Specifying, without ezāfe) clearly denounce an Iranian matrix language; (ii) the inscription, thanks also to some Neo-Babylonian documents and a thorough paleographical analysis, must refer to the ruler Gotarz I (90-81 BC) and not Gotarz II (42-52 CE) as believed by most. In sum, the short but highly valuable document confirms the presence of Greek in the competence of bilingual individuals who gravitated around the courts of Parthian rulers; it also points to the monumental role and functions that Greek-language epigraphy still played in the mid-1st century BCE in the Arsacid Īrān. Moreover, the analysis of the phrase Γωτάρσης Γεόποθρος, if properly understood, documents a very rare case of ongoing interference between Parthian L1 and Greek L2, an interference that must have reflected a relatively widespread and intense contact between the two languages.

Mancini, Marco, Un morfema preromanzo nell’Adbreviatio artis grammaticae di Orso da Benevento (sec. IX), «Medioevo Romanzo», 47, 2023, 141-161.

Oggetto del presente lavoro è un passo dell’Adbreviatio artis gramatice ex diversis doctoribus ab Urso composita, un trattatello grammaticale basato fonda- mentalmente sui primi sedici libri dell’Ars di Prisciano e attribuibile con certezza al vescovo Orso da Benevento (metà del sec. IX). Nella sezione sui barbarismi, esemplata sul De barbarismis et metaplasmis di Consenzio, compare tra i casi di inmutatio una forma palesemente attinta alle competenze linguistiche dell’autore, un teus per tuus di cui non si è mai fatto cenno finora nella letteratura scientifica e che costituisce una precoce e preziosissima attestazione di un morfema molto diffuso nelle varietà romanze mediane e meridionali sia in epoca antica sia in epoca moderna.

Marotta, Giovanna, CLaSSES: Orthographic variationin non-literary Latin, «Studi e saggi linguistici», 58, 39-65,

Marotta, Giovanna, Consonanti preaspirate nel toscano: mito o realtà?, in: Del Puente P. et al. (a cura di), Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia, Alessandria, 297-312.

Marotta, Giovanna, Per una rivalutazione del contatto linguistico in area romanza settentrionale, «Studi mediolatini e volgari», LXVI, 91-114.

Milizia, Paolo, Sullo statuto fonologico del sandhi tonale rigvedico, «Atti del sodalizio glottologico milanese», 14 n.s., 2020, 141-172.

Mollo, Paola, Phoenician-Punic: Features and relations with Hebrew, «Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel», 11/2, 2022, 153-178.

Olivero, Vladimir, The Relevance of Linguistic Diachrony in the Literary Critical Assessment of MT 1 Kings 12:30-33 // 13:33-34, «Semitica», 64, 2022, 193-208.

Cette contribution se penche sur le weqatal והְעֶ יֱִ מד en 1 Rois 12,32 TM et montre que la signification de ce verbe, voire sa fonction syntactique, sont le signe d’un stade linguistique tardif et le résultat d’une activité éditoriale. Une telle conclusion est soutenue par des éléments linguistiques supplémentaires tirés des versets environnants, ainsi que par la critique littéraire. Cet article illustre l’importance d’une approche combinée qui associe les domaines de la linguistique historique et de la critique littéraire. Les phénomènes diachroniques qui se cachent derrière les versets analysés sont ainsi décrits de manière cohérente grâce à ces deux ensembles de données. Type a message

Pieroni, Silvia, Missa: note da una prospettiva morfosintattica, «Medioevo Europeo», 6/2, 2022, 79-91.


Pompeo, Flavia, Che “paura”? Considerazioni sulla semantica e sulle costruzioni dei verbi esperienziali in persiano antico, in: Biondi, Laura, Dedè, Francesco, Scala, Andrea (a cura di), Ubi homo ibi lingua. Studi in onore di Maria Patrizia Bologna, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2022, 1053-1067.

Dall’inizio del XXI secolo gli studi sugli esperienziali hanno visto un notevole incremento, non solo in ambito tipologico ma anche nella linguistica storica. Il presente contributo, che intende collocarsi in quest’ultima linea di ricerca, si articola in due parti: una prima sezione è dedicata a una breve rassegna dei verbi esperienziali e delle loro costruzioni in persiano antico; la seconda parte del lavoro si sofferma, seppur rapidamente, sull’unico verbo di emozione attestato in questa lingua, vale a dire tars- ‘temere, avere rispetto’. L'analisi si avvale degli strumenti del metodo storico-comparativo e della linguistica cognitiva.

Pompeo, Flavia, Le attestazioni di duruj- nell’iscrizione di Bisotun. Un nuovo caso di Ringkomposition?, «Incontri Linguistici», 44, 2021, 11–25.

Pompeo, Flavia, The Dating Formulas of Avroman 1 and Avroman 2 in the Context of Greek Documents of the Parthian Empire: a Brief Overview, «East and West», 62/1, 2022, 161-185.

Il presente contributo ha per oggetto le formule di datazione attestate nelle pergamene note come ‘Avroman 1’ e ‘Avroman 2’. Si tratta di due documenti redatti in lingua e scrittura greca nell’impero partico e la cui esatta datazione non è stata ancora stabilita con certezza. Nel tentativo di giungere a una migliore comprensione delle formule in esame, queste sono state inquadrate nel loro contesto storico e documentario. In particolare, sono state analizzate alcune caratteristiche delle formule di datazione dei testi in lingua e scrittura greca rinvenuti nell’impero partico, circoscrivendo il corpus ai documenti risalenti a un periodo di tempo non troppo distante da quello delle pergamene di Avroman; ci si è avvalsi, inoltre, dei dati provenienti dalla numismatica. Dalla ricerca condotta, da un lato, è risultata una sostanziale conferma dell’unicità delle formule di datazione delle pergamene greche di Avroman, dall’altro, sono emersi indizi a favore dell’esistenza di una correlazione tra tipo di documento e tipo di formula di datazione..

Pozza, Marianna, Gasbarra, Valentina, Grassmann's law in Greek and its diffusion in waves, «Phaos», 20, 2020, 1-17.

The paper aims at discussing the chronology of Grassmann’s law (GL), bearing in mind the possibility, put forward by KIPARSKY (1973), of a backdating of its operativeness. Thanks to the comparison between some “relic” forms and data taken from 2nd millennium Greek, we will try to speculate in relation to the chronology of this phonetic change. In particular, the hypothesis here advanced is that we are dealing with different “waves” of a single phenomenon, whose effects were prolonged over time, surfacing sporadically in time and space.

Pozza, Marianna, Gasbarra, Valentina, Methodological premises for a sociolinguistic analysis of Greek-Anatolian contact, «Rivista degli studi orientali», N.s. XCII, 2019, 11-26,

Il contributo intende analizzare alcuni dati lessicali tratti dalla documentazione egeo-anatolica di II millennio a.C., alla luce delle nuove acquisizioni della sociolinguistica storica. Lo studio dei fenomeni di interferenza, analizzati in una prospettiva micro-sociolinguistica, può consentire di ottenere risultati utili nella valutazione del multilinguismo delle società antiche. La situazione linguistica dell'area del Mediterraneo occidentale antico è piuttosto composita, dal momento che risultano coinvolte lingue non sempre genealogicamente collegate tra loro (indoeuropee, semitiche, isolate) che interagiscono talora come lingua modello talora come lingua replica, a seconda delle circostanze. I prestiti lessicali rappresentano dunque l'oggetto privilegiato della ricerca, giacché dimostrano una sorta di interazione "faccia a faccia" nel cui ambito lo scrivente si trovava senz'altro a registrare un fenomeno la cui occorrenza era molto probabilmente già diffusa tra i parlanti.

Pozza, Marianna, Gasbarra, Valentina, Percorsi lessicali nel Mediterraneo orientale antico, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2019.

Il volume analizza i principali fenomeni di interferenza linguistica sul versante lessicale che si manifestano tra greco, ittito e lingue semitiche (in particolare l’accadico), sia al fine di offrire una panoramica generale sul contatto tra queste lingue, sia per sondare la portata del fenomeno alla luce di un possibile ruolo di mediazione dell’ittito tra le lingue semitiche e il greco miceneo, sorta di trait d’union, dunque, tra mondo indoeuropeo e mondo non indoeuropeo. Le voci oggetto di prestito vengono prese in esame alla luce dei più generali processi di interferenza nei quali si inquadrano (dovuti a ragioni di ordine commerciale, diplomatico, culturale, letterario, religioso), nell’arco cronologico del II e I millennio a.C., e se ne valutano le rese fonologiche e la eventuale produttività a livello morfologico, allo scopo di ricostruire alcune linee di prestito e di appurare i diversi gradi di assimilazione di questi stessi prestiti all’interno del vocabolario della lingua-replica. Oltre ad offrire una panoramica sulle lingue indoeuropee e non indoeuropee dell’Anatolia antica e sul contatto con il mondo miceneo (secondo la nota ipotesi di Aḫḫiyawa), il contatto egeo-anatolico viene trattato anche dal punto di vista dei ritrovamenti archeologici. Un’ampia parte del lavoro è dedicata alla presentazione dei sistemi grafici ittito e miceneo e di alcuni specifici aspetti che presentano problemi interpretativi e richiedono dunque un riesame critico. Le Autrici si propongono di offrire un ulteriore contributo al già vivace dibattito scientifico sull’argomento, che rappresenta un tema su cui si è fortemente focalizzata l’attenzione degli studiosi negli ultimi anni.

Pozza, Marianna, Gasbarra, Valentina, Tra τέχνη e processi mentali. Riflessioni su alcuni dati linguistici ittiti e micenei, «Acta Classica», 63, 2020, 186–204.

The aim of the present paper is twofold. Through the analysis of some words related to the process of weaving in Mycenaean and Hittite documentation, we have tried to verify the presence of a semantic shift from this ‘practical’ concept towards a metaphorical usage. This ‘semantic reworking’ does not seem to be present in either of those second millennium languages, but it is possible to observe some specific peculiarities. On the one hand, Mycenaean data show some linguistic indications of this metaphorical shift that are also attested in the later Homeric epics. On the other hand, as regards the Anatolian sector (where cases of metaphorical shifts are not clearly documented), the historical outcomes of the principal Indo-European roots connected with the idea of ‘weaving’ – but also ‘connecting’, ‘joining’, ‘assembling’, and ‘mixing’ – will be analyzed, in order to verify to what extent these roots have been preserved in Hittite.

Pozza, Marianna, A brief note on Hitt. pukk-, pugga- ‘to be hateful, to be repulsive, to be unpleasant’, «Philologica Jassyensia», 34/2, 2021, 79-86.


Pozza, Marianna, Civale, Sara, Between synchrony and diachrony: the multimodal properties of phonaesthemes, «International Journal of Linguistics», 14/4, 2022, 180-202.

Knowledge about phonaesthesia has particularly been deepened since 1930 until now. Starting from John Wallis‟ first thoughts on the subject in 1653 via the contributions from John Rupert Firth‟s post-1930s‟ studies, the phenomenon has seen a growing interest as the result of the consolidated – but still to some extent arbitrary – interactions between meaning and sound over time. This paper focuses on some relevant issues in the field of diachronic linguistics, especially in connection with etymological reconstruction, to evaluate phenomena that, in a certain sense, appear to be correlated with the idea of a posteriori re-motivation by the speaker, investigating phonaesthemes‟ conceptual organization around some meaningful morpho-phonological clusters derived from Proto Indo-European, always connected with analogical associations. It also reasons about the stability of the root itself, due to fundamental characteristics of human cognition and broader social contexts in which language is used. Besides diachrony, the psycholinguistic relevance of phonaesthemic clusters is synchronically highlighted both in productivity – especially within the Germanic branch, English above all – and in comprehension processes, because their faciliatory priming effect seems to guide the speaker towards a better experience of understanding and to ease the progressive and natural addition of patterned neologisms after an existing word, in order to make them compatible with the original sets. The purpose of this contribution is to offer a general overview of the issue, trying, at the same time, to show how the phenomenon of phonaesthesia can also be read in the interaction between synchrony and diachrony, even if synchrony, for obvious reasons, remains the privileged investigation filter

Pozza, Marianna, Vincenzo, D'Andrea, Confluenza di generi e scambio di ruoli nel mondo greco antico: qualche riflessione linguistica sui processi di contaminazione tra il maschile e il femminile,, «LEA. Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente», 12, 2023, 117-136.

This study explores linguistic and literary phenomena in the ancient Greek world, with a specific focus on the convergence of genres and role exchanges. We begin by briefly examining the emergence of the feminine gender in the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language. Subsequently, we analyze instances of linguistic and cultural cross-contamination, shedding light on the complex dynamics of gender convergence within ancient Greek society. Our examination is framed within a socio-cultural context, drawing insights from recent developments in gender studies. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the multifaceted interactions shaping gender roles and linguistic expressions in the ancient Greek context.

Pozza, Marianna, From Creation to use. Some echoes of correspondence between forms of thought and forms of language in ancient Indo-European languages, «CompLit. Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society», 1/3, 2022, 29-43.


Pozza, Marianna, From Experiential Contact to Abstract Thought: Reflections on Some Hittite Outcomes of IE *steh2- ‘to Stand’ and *men- ‘to Think’, in: Kim, Ronald, Mynářová, Jana, Pavúk, Peter, Frantíková, Dita, Zemánek, Petr (a cura di), Hrozný and Hittite: The First Hundred Years. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Charles University, Prague, 11–14 November 2015, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2020, 317-334, 10.1163/9789004413122.

Pozza, Marianna, La “fissità del pensiero” nel mondo antico: confronti etimologici greco-ittiti, «Pasiphae», 16, 2022, 184-192.


Pozza, Marianna, On the original formulation and on the resonance over time of Grassmann’s Law. Remarks on a still open issue, «Lingua posnaniensis», 61, 2019, 107-130,

The present article aims to reconsider in detail the original formulation of Grassmann’s law (GL), proposed by Grassmann (1863), since the main handbooks of Indo-European linguistics often repeat an extremely concise and sometimes incomplete formulation of the phenomenon without going into the details of Grassmann’s original reasoning, from which the definition of the phonetic “law” took its shape. In fact, we intend to highlight, on the one hand, the route whereby the scholar arrived at the decisive formulation of the principle which took its name from him, on the other the research ideas already present in the article of 1863 and only partially taken into account by subsequent studies. In addition to offering an overview, as complete as possible, of the resonance and influence of GL among linguists (both within a general and a historical linguistic perspective), over the years, the intent is to show the fruitfulness of ideas that still today could be used for new studies on the topic and to offer a possible, new interpretation of this phonetic change.

Pozza, Marianna, On the semantics of the Proto-Indo-European roots *mel-, *men-, and *steh2: from the external-positional to the internal-cognitive perspective, «Cuadernos de filologia clasica - estudios griegos e indoeurpoeos», 30, 2020, 11-22,

The present discussion, which is articulated within the theoretical framework of cognitive semantics, aims to reconsider the homonymy between the Indo-European roots *men- ‘to think, to have in mind’ and *men- ‘to delay, linger, remain’. We should instead imagine the existence of a single archetype, whose different semantic values represent the developments of a metaphorical shift from a concrete to an abstract meaning, exactly as in the case of the historical products of IE *steh2- ‘to stay’, and *mel- ‘to delay, linger, remain’; ‘to think, take care of’, which convey meanings related to both ‘stasis’ and ‘reflection/knowledge’

Pozza, Marianna, Riflessioni sulla lettura di dati linguistici antichi alla luce delle metafore concettuali e della teoria dell’embodiment, «Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata», 22/1, 2022, 49-61.


Pozza, Marianna, Traces of “crystallized” conceptual metaphors in ancient Indo-European languages. The relationship of language with space and body, «Studii de lingvistica», 10, 2020, 225-241.

The paper aims at discussing some cases of metaphorical linguistic expressions in some ancient Indo-European languages, in order to show how conceptual metaphors (in the sense of Lakoff and Johnson 1980) “materialize” in certain linguistic expressions through the use of concepts such as spatiality and embodiment. Furthermore, it will be observed that in some circumstances it is possible to imagine, already for the reconstructed linguistic phase, a polysemy of certain Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots – usually interpreted as homonymic – precisely by virtue of the metaphorical logics mentioned above. The idea of a one-to-one correspondence between form and function of a linguistic sign and that of an intrinsic “naturalness” and “transparency” will also be object of reflections, in the light of the more general linguistic change process.

Pozza, Marianna, Vista, conoscenza, parola: lo "Schema del Contenitore" applicato a un caso di polisemia indoeuropea, «Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai – Philologia», 66/3, 2021, 235-246.


Romagno, Domenica, L’alternanza fra ὁράω e καθοράω nel mito platonico della caverna: la rappresentazione del vedere nel continuum di transitività, «Inverbis», IX, 319-331,

Romagno, Domenica, State representation and dynamic processes in Homeric Greek. The case of the aorist in -ην, in: MICHELA CENNAMO & Claudia Fabrizio (a cura di), Historical Linguistics 2015 – Selected Papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 272-286,

In the present paper, we assess the relationship between different Indo-European strategies for encoding the representation of a subject’s state and focus on data from Homeric poems. Specifically, we propose an explanation for the function and the distribution of the aorist in –ην that 1) accounts for its various occurrences within a unitary model, 2) sheds new light on the co-existence of stative and dynamic components in this formation, 3) allows us to solve the supposed aporia whereby a stative marker has been integrated into the aorist system. Moreover, we investigate the relationship between the aorist in –ην and the two major categories that entail a state predicate, that is, the old perfect and the middle voice, in order to clarify their distinctive functions and mutual distribution.

Romagno, Domenica, Strategies for aligning syntactic roles and case marking with semantic properties: The case of the accusative of respect in ancient Greek, in: Bridget Drinka (a cura di), Historical Linguistics 2017 - Selected Papers from the 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, San Antonio, TX, USA, July 31-Aug. 4, 2017, Amsterdam - Philadelphia, 9-28,

In the present paper, we show that: 1. the accusative of respect, a case marker for inalienable possession in ancient Greek, represents a strategy for aligning syntactic roles and case marking with animacy; 2. this hypothesis can consistently account for a series of issues that remained unsettled; 3. the semantic properties of the predicate involved in the accusative of respect are fundamental to defining its function and specifically govern its distribution. Our analysis comprises Greek literary texts, from Homer to the fifth century B.C.

Romagno, Domenica, The curious case of the functional distinction between aorist and imperfect: evidence from Vedic and Homeric Greek, in: Aliffi, M.L., Bartolotta, A. & Nigrelli, C. (a cura di), Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. Essays in honour of Lucio Melazzo (Series: "Hermes. Collana di Scienze del Linguaggio", Palermo University Press), Palermo, 457-502.

This paper addresses the function and distribution of aorist and imperfect in Vedic and Homeric Greek and shows that: 1. the principle underlying the selection of aorist vs. imperfect is not originally based on an alignment of the telic/atelic distinction with the perfective/ imperfective distinction: rather, the interaction between aspect and actionality in the development of the opposition between aorist and imperfect is consequent to the grammaticalization of characterized presents; 2. the distribution of aorist and imperfect does not consistently encode aspectual distinctions and, specifically, the perfective/ imperfective distinction; 3. the interplay between tense, aspect and actionality in the alternation between aorist and imperfect reveals that the creation of the functional opposition between these two categories is an ongoing process in Rig Vedic and Homeric texts, and indicates that their aspectual functions are not yet grammaticalized in the archaic phase of the Vedic and Greek verb system and, therefore, cannot be attributed to the Indo-European tradition passed on into the Vedic and Greek verb system

Romagno, Domenica, The extension of a linguistic category: middle voice in Homeric Greek between subject affectedness, reflexivity and possession, «Archivio glottologico italiano», 105, -.

Rovai, Francesco, Alcune osservazioni sul nome dei Papirii, in: Del Puente, P., Guazzelli, F., Molinu, L., Pisano, S. (a cura di), Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia. Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo, Alessandria, 453-464.

Il contributo propone un’interpretazione in chiave sociolinguistica della distribuzione delle tre varianti Papirius, Paperius e Papeirius, con particolare riferimento ai criteri di selezione delle forme che, nell’ambito del più ampio processo di elaborazione di una varietà di lingua standard conforme ai principi della latinitas, hanno condotto a obliterare completamente le ultime due varianti in favore della prima, almeno a partire dagli inizi del I secolo a.C.

Rovai, Francesco, Consul tertium o consul tertio? Dubbi metalinguistici, sincretismo e variazione nelle formule di iterazione delle cariche pubbliche, «Studi e saggi linguistici», 58, 33-63.

Rovai, Francesco, Migration, Identity, and Multilingualism in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: James Clackson, Patrick James, Katherine McDonald, Livia Tagliapietra, Nicholas Zair (a cura di), Migration, Mobility and Language Contact in and Around the Ancient Mediterranean, Cambridge, 171-202,

Rovai, Francesco, On the standardisation of the Latin language and writing in the Late Republic, «Studi classici e orientali», 67, 435-458,

Tamponi, Lucia, On back and front vowels in Latin inscriptions from Sardinia, «Acta antiqua academiae scientiarum hungaricae», 59, 71-83.

Tamponi, Lucia, Remarks on vowel deletion in Latin inscriptions from Sardinia, «Acta classica universitatis scientiarum debreceniensis», 57, 35-50.

Tronci, Liana, Autour de la pseudo-coordination: réflexions comparatives sur le grec ancien et le latin, «Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris», 116/1, 2021, 125-159, 10.2143/BSL.116.1.3290234.

Cette étude porte sur deux types de constructions multiverbales du grec ancien qui, malgré leurs différences syntaxiques, sont fonctionnellement équivalentes. Dans le premier type (construction pseudo-coordonnée), les deux verbes sont conjugués au même mode et liés par un coordonnant ou par l’asyndète ; dans le second, le premier verbe est un participe. Nous analysons les propriétés sémantiques, syntaxiques et textuelles des deux types dans un corpus constitué des quatre évangiles. Nous montrons que le contact avec l’hébreu biblique et l’araméen a joué un rôle dans la diffusion de ces constructions. L’analyse des traductions latines dans la Vulgate nous amène à proposer des considérations supplémentaires sur la syntaxe des deux langues. Type a message

Tronci, Liana, Forme dell’atto direttivo nel greco neotestamentario. Politeness, testualità e mutamento linguistico, «Veleia», 39, 2022, 193-208, 10.1387/veleia.22404.

Questo studio analizza le espressioni dell’atto direttivo nella lingua neotestamentaria, con particolare riferimento al tema della politeness, e costituisce la prima tappa di una ricerca più ampia. I dati per questo lavoro sono tratti dal Vangelo di Matteo. La forma più tipica per l’espressione di atti direttivi in greco antico è l’imperativo flesso alla seconda persona. Strategie linguistiche che attenuano la forza dell’atto direttivo rendendolo più polite operano sia sul piano sintagmatico (uso di forme allocutive come κύριε «signore»; combinazione dell’imperativo con espressioni come εἰ βούλει «se vuoi») sia su quello paradigmatico (forme verbali alternative alla seconda persona dell’imperativo: il futuro, da un lato, e la terza persona, dall’altro). Alcuni atti direttivi rivolti da Gesù ai suoi interlocutori potrebbero sembrare molto impolite, se considerati al di fuori del contesto di enunciazione. Il fatto che non lo siano getta una prospettiva nuova sia sull’analisi del testo evangelico sia sul tema della politeness/impoliteness. Type a message

Tronci, Liana, Latin translations of Greek ὅτι-clauses in the Vulgate and the Vetus Latina. A comparative analysis of the four Gospels, in: Cabrillana, Concepción (a cura di), Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics. Volume I: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2024, 217-235.

Tronci, Liana, Les participes parfaits dans la Vulgate: influence du grec, diachronie du latin, «L’information grammaticale», 173, 2022, 28-37, 10.2143/IG.173.0.3290637.

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Tronci, Liana, Le traduzioni latine delle subordinate introdotte da ὅτι: breve saggio sulle ricorrenze nel Vangelo di Matteo, in: L. Unceta Gómez, C. González Vázquez, R. López Gregoris, A. M. Martín Rodríguez (a cura di), Amice benigneque honorem nostrum habes. Estudios lingüísticos en homenaje al profesor Benjamín García-Hernández, UAM Ediciones, Madrid, 2021, 469-484.


Tronci, Liana, Perspectives on Koine Greek. Studies In Morphology, Syntax, And Lexicon, Edizioni Università per Stranieri di SIena, Siena, 2023.