====== Pubblicazioni non in rivista con intestazione al progetto ====== ~~NOSIDEBAR~~ * Benedetti, M. 2021, //Una rara coppia:// coniunctivus ~ συνζευκτικός, in F. Chiusaroli (a cura di), //Miscellanea di studi in onore di Diego Poli//, Roma, Il Calamo: 111-121. * Benedetti, M. 2021, //Il grammatico Diomede e lo strano caso dell’//ablativus pro nominativo, in M.L. Aliffi – A. Bartolotta – C. Nigrelli, (a cura di), //Perspectives on Language and Linguistics// (Hermes. Collana di Scienze del Linguaggio), Palermo, Palermo University Press: 29-47. * Benedetti, M. 2021, //"Love teaches": echoes of a fragment from Euripides//, in Georgios K. Giannakis, Luz Conti, Jesús de la Villa, Raquel Fornieles (eds.), //Synchrony and Diachrony of Ancient Greek: Language, Linguistics and Philology (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes, 112)//, De Gruyter, 397-402. * Benedetti, M., F. Logozzo – L. Tronci 2021, //Ablatives Absolute in the Vulgate: some remarks on the Gospels//, in A. M. Martín Rodríguez (ed.), //Linguisticae Dissertationes. Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 17-21, 2019)//, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 263-278. * Bianconi, M. (ed.) 2021, //Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia: in Search of the Golden Fleece//, Leiden/Boston: Brill. * Bianconi, M. 2021, //There and Back Again: a Hundred Years of Graeco-Anatolian Comparative Linguistics//, in M. Bianconi (ed.),// Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia: in Search of the Golden Fleece//, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 8-39. * Bianconi, M. 2021, //Looking for the Golden Fleece: where are we going?//, in M. Bianconi (ed.), //Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia: in Search of the Golden Fleece//, Leiden/Boston: Brill. * Dardano P. 2021, //Homeric covenantal terminology and its Near Eastern forerunners//, in M. Bianconi (ed.), //Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece// (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 122), Leiden-Boston, Brill: 40-79. * Lai, R. 2021, //Word-initial heterosyllabic clusters in loanword adaptation: from Catalan, Spanish and Italian loanwords into Sardinian//, in Lloret – M.-R. – Pons-Moll, C. (a cura di), //L’adaptació de manlleus en català i en altres llengües romàniques//, Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 77-110. * Mancini, M. 2021, //Una nuova interpretazione del fr. F28 Garcea del// De analogia cesariano, in M. L. Aliffi – A. Bartolotta – C. Nigrelli (a cura di), //Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. Essays in honor of Lucio Melazzo//, Palermo, Palermo University Press, 295-332. * Milizia, P. 2021, //On the Egyptian-Coptic refunctionalization of the construct state//, in L. Biondi, F. Dedè, A. Scala (a cura di) //Change in Grammar. Triggers, Paths, and Outcomes//, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 117–135. [ISBN: 978-88-3613-175-4]. * Romagno, D. 2021, //The curious case of the functional distinction between aorist and imperfect: evidence from Vedic and Homeric Greek//, in Aliffi, M.L., Bartolotta, A. e Nigrelli, C. (eds.), //Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. Essays in honour of Lucio Melazzo//, Palermo University Press, Palermo, 457-502. * Tronci, L. 2021, //Le traduzioni latine delle subordinate introdotte da// ὅτι//: breve saggio sulle ricorrenze nel Vangelo di Matteo//, in L. Unceta Gómez, C. González Vázquez, R. López Gregoris, A. M. Martín Rodríguez (eds.),// Amice benigneque honorem nostrum habes. Estudios lingüísticos en homenaje al profesor Benjamín García-Hernández//, Madrid, UAM Ediciones, 469-484. [ISBN 978-84-8344-777-2].